Friday, July 15, 2011

In honor of my side mirror.

Driving without a side mirror is a challenge. I recently learned this after letting my roommate and ministry partner, Dan, drive my car. In all fairness he wasn't the only one on the road.

After about a month of re-learning how to switch lanes and take turns without the use of a side mirror I again let him borrow my car. I was without it for three days, HOWEVER, this time it was returned to me fully recovered. Like a lizard who had grown his tail back, my car was overflowing with gladness.

It's been nice to have a side mirror again. I feel... safer. This plastic, glass, and metal appendage of my car really does a lot for me. So I figured in order to do a little more for it I'd make a video and showcase the mirrors usefulness.


Who's this really about anyway?

Ever have a friend that loved to talk about their-self? They'd paint the picture like they were about to tell you something so great about their uncle who fought in ... but it really ends up being a bragomony about how awesome they themselves are?

No? Lucky you!

I've been reading through Ezra, and one of my discoveries was that Ezra  was just the opposite. The book, though titled after him doesn't even introduce him until half way through (chapter 5). At that, once he is introduced, the last five chapters read not as though he is not the main character.

In first observing that I was a little thrown off, but then it hit me, "the story really is not about him. It makes sense then that he isn't introduced until chapter 5 of 10.

The bigger picture is about the Hebrew exiles returning to and rebuilding Jerusalem. Even then the biggest picture can be summed up in one word: redemption.

The book is titled after this prophet, but is far from being about him. He is rather, a supporting role. A part of the story, but not the story itself.

The story itself is that of the main character, and in dramas the main character is the hero. Period.  If there was no hero there would be no story. The supporting roles are simply there to magnify the hero.

In this case the title of the book isn't named after the main character, but is still very much about the main character.

We need to realize that out lives were never created for the purpose of promoting ourselves, but supporting and magnifying the story of redemption: the story of Jesus.

Next time you catch yourself telling a story all about how awesome you are consider this: you may be spending too much time in front of the camera and not giving any film space to the main role.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Dreams come true.

For me the weekend rules video was one of my favorite parts of the weekend (an in city retreat with the mid-high and high-school groups at calvary). This year (MMX) I was able to be apart of making that video. Check it out below.

Friday, March 5, 2010

One decade forward, a couple score back.

Denver Miller and I have decided to be Pen pals, something that is almost unheard of in this age of technology. There are a lot of things to say about communicating through the postal service. It's a practice that is long gone, apart from the fun of it all, there's good reason this wave has crashed. Technology makes way for an easier and cheaper method of long distance communication....


There are pro's to this art.

1. You usually get more respect. (I don't have one friend that in my e-mails, facebook comments/messages, or texts refers to me as MR. Mat Pirolo, snail mail on the other hand demands respect)

2. Stamps can be collected. Philately (the study of stamps) and stamp collecting can be a hobby of many. Denver included a stamp of seabiscutt on the letter received by me.

3. H. A. Ironside collected stamps and at times would trade some of his publications for stamps from foreign missionaries.

4. Writing letters leaves a mystery in the conversation with your pen pal when communicating in other ways than through the USPS.
i.e. Denver and I talk on phone on an average of four nights a week. This means a lot of conversation, however, we can not discuss what has been written in the letters, because that would be a waste of 44 cents.
knowing that not everything is being made known there is a sense of mystery and excitement in letter writing.

5. You can include snippets of the news paper or articles from magazines. everything becomes more real in letter writing.

6. Writing letters is really the only appropriate way to share poetry. Some of you might be thinking this practice is feminine and ridiculous, but I assure you that could not be farther from the truth.

So for the first blog in 5 months I hope you enjoyed this and furthermore I hope you consider choosing a pen pal of your own .

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Joy Junction

I was given the opportunity to teach at Joy Junction for our November Renovate outreach. It was a thrill. I had shared in some pretty distracting environments before, none like this. Blessed to serve along-side our refuge crew and Josh, who did worship for the night. Continue to pray for the people at Joy Junction those who live there and those who serve there. What an awesome work the Lord is doing!!!!

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Sum Sum Synopsis.

Blogosphere, I've been missing you. Trying to get back in the action of blogging.

Wednesday, I bought a car, it's a jetta wagon, I guess I thought it would be a good family car (I'm just trying to get a decade ahead of the game).

This last Thursday Renovate was packed, despite the arctic conditions inside the El Rey. nate Taught an Awesome message on the refuge that is found in God alone.

Friday, we went to the childrens wing of pres. hospital to share some candy and the good news with sick kids.

Saturday, Bible man came to the fall fest in what was termed his "ghetto fab carriage". This produced an awesome response at the Altar call.

So far today has been great. Metro, gospel tracts, and free burritos in the downtown.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009


After Summit Jesse, Ray, and I usually hang out. Good talks, laughs, and last night, lot's of goodness. Icee's and Coffee with my polar bear friend!