Thursday, December 25, 2008

Christmas: the process and event?

The top picture is the last picture in google image finder under the search "Christmas" The bottom picture is the first one to come up under the same search. I thought I'd mix the order up. 

Today, was Christmas eve. Successful and enjoyable. Except for a morning drive to the west side everything before 6 p.m. was quite uneventful.  Once the clock ticked six o' one the party begun... began. The pirolo house was filled with family and a friend. Uncles, aunts, grandma, cousins, siblings, niece and nephew, derek. It's a Pirolo/campbell tradition to meet, eat, and open gifts, we were not about to let that die, so we didn't. It was a little loud and crazy, but I was able to hang with grandma and keep my cool. By the way, my grandma is great, love her. After the aunts, uncles, cousins, etc. left we had an immediate family opening of gifts. That was also good. Anthony and Mel made me a leather journal with a quote from spurgeon on the first page. What a way to start the journal off. I really don't know how to compete with that. The first page will be better than the rest. Anyway, my mom made me a shadow box, containing a pictures and military memorabilia that had belonged to my grandpa. I like it, thanks mom. 
After all this and a little more, my dad and I went for a Christmas walk around the neighborhood and surrounding areas. This was definitely the best part of the holiday season so far, thanks dad. 

So christmas is great, food is great, presents are great, but more than those things relationships are great. For most people this holiday is one of the only times that relationships with certain people are maintained, once a year you'll have great talks, and great fun with your family. It's a sad reality. It's not right. What's even worse however is that, for a lot of proclaimed Christians, Christmas is the once a year when they "maintain" a relationship with Jesus. It's the once a year that serious talks are had, prayers are made, the bible is opened. They live their lives as the cliche goes "Jesus is the reason for the season" I submit however that Jesus is the reason for life your living. 

Back to my dad, He's done so much. He's helped me through 17 years of my life, whether it be providing a home, food, education, or love, he has gone above and beyond. If it were not for him I would not be here, for a couple reasons. My dad has to an extent sustained my living, he deserves a legitimate (more than once a year) relationship with me.  Colossians 1:16 says that by him (Jesus) all things consist (or continue to exist). All things would include... me. My family has done a lot, a whole lot, but even more does the Lord Jesus deserve a legitimate (more than the holidays) relationship with those whom he holds together. These are some pretty elementary thoughts, but I thought them and decided to share. Merry Christmas. 

Thursday, December 11, 2008

So I apologize.

This is what happened. Since I am officially moved out of my dorm Chris and I are just hanging out in the coffee shop all day. What do you do in coffee shops ? (besides scrabble) You get online and surf, that's what. While catching some sweet cyber waves I became bored with facebook and gmail. That's when I remembered "Woah, there's an entire blogging world that I've completely forgotten about." So I apologize...  

This is what's been happening lately:
1)  Lot's of finals - I'd say I did pretty good on all of them. 
2) Anthony got married - Instead of hitting up the hot springs with us... 
3) Catching up on some reading. - Finally a chance to get my own reading
4) Dorm cleaning - The rooms had to be absolutely spotless... reminded me of camp penelton
5) I've been preparing my Christmas heart and decorating my mind with Holiday cheer
6) Graduation is today- Were sticking around for that and heading to yucca valley for the night 
7)  Driving all day tomorrow- See you all soon. 

Oh, the above picture is from our last visit to the ABQ. Enjoy

Saturday, November 29, 2008

At the waves break.

I had so many more to put up, but for some reason this is the only one that would upload.

Seventeen, Eighteen and a Wedding in Phoenix

We went to Anthony's wedding today. It was a success. Right now, we are blogging while laying on his bed at his parents house, whom we haven't seen around yet. I appreciate him, so does Chris, that's why we didn't sleep much last night. 2 1/2 hours. Then a 6 1/2 hour drive. I think we were 82 miles outside flagstaff in the above picture. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We've been making short zombie films, So far only two. This is a shot from the one Josh directed. Hopefully you'll be able to see them in theatres soon, 

Montana meets Murrieta

in-n-out with Bow wow, Levi, and Coy. great times

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Rainbows return

I'm sitting in the Library with Chris and Anthony. We are listening to Chuck tracks, they're wearing shoes , but I'm wearing my flip flops. I absolutely couldn't stand wearing shoes in class yesterday. I actually tied and untied my shoes at least three times trying to allow for some breathing room for my confined toes. As of today I'm returning to my ways. I have leviticus and mark today, in both classes I will have the distraction of discomfort cast far from me.  

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

CHANGE! From footwear to Freedom

Today is the first day that I have not worn my rainbows (flip flops) since the middle of June when I got them. It's definitely a little disappointing,  but maybe, like our new president says, it's time for change. Well, that is a whole different topic entirely. Eh, I might as well talk a little about it now.  I have been meeting with some mormons weekly for about 7 weeks now and I can definitely see God's work in and on their hearts. Pray for that. Anyway, God is always in control. We as Christians have been given a commandment and that is to minister the Love of Christ, our saviour, to all men. No matter the leader of our country, no matter the depravity of man, no matter the persecution we face, and no matter the circumstances that we are placed in, God still desires that His love be ministered to all.  It's important for us to remember that the office chair in  the oval office is not the throne that Isaiah saw in Isaiah 6:1, He saw Christ! That is our hope. When Political leaders are built up and when they are taken out, The Lord is on the throne! 

Isaiah 26:3,4 
        You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in You.           Trust in the LORD forever, for in YAH, the LORD, is everlasting strength. 

Let's stay our minds on Christ, and We will have peace. 
Let's be in prayer and continue to do that which we have been doing, meeting with the lost, living a witness, and ministering the love of Christ to all. 

Monday, November 3, 2008

Its never a bad time to look good.

Instead of paying to watch Batman again, Devan and I decided to do just that ...look good. I either need a tie or a couple less buttons.


A california clothing line, from asian Anthony's closet. 

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Nightmares and terror sauce

As we all know, yesterday was Halloween. It weirdest days of my life, but it was close to one of the funnest nights. It started out with Breakfast, and Holy Spirit class, both of these were fantastic. However, after class Chris and Josh went away to Irvine, about an hour away, they were on a mission. Going to pick up Tamara and Alysia who were at Alysia's cousins house. This left the day to Devan and I. We ate lunch and headed over to play "just a couple" games of ping pong, we figured Chris and Josh wouldn't be much longer than two hours. One hour there another hour back. So we pinged and we ponged. We read Joel a couple times, pinged and ponged, and realized they were not coming back anytime soon. So we went to dinner. After dinner, we played ping pong, which is such a fun sport, but playing it all day long causes for a miserable day.
Let's take a couple steps back. Right before dinner we were in the cafeteria restroom, where we were making the weirdest of faces in the mirror and laughing for quite some time. Then to our surprise an intern teacher walked in, the second I heard the door, I turned my head and tried to look like nothing at all was going on. As soon as He saw us however, he gave me a "Hey guys. How you doin'?" Very awkward so we left and ate Dinner.
Meanwhile, back at the misery of too many wins (12 to exact) of this table tennis game, we headed off the campus, across the street, and in to goodwill. We walked around for a bit, but the end result was the two of us sitting on lawn chairs in front of "Grubby Pups" a dog grooming business. Well, Josh decided to give me a call informing me they would be here soon. After some mingling and some introduction. We headed off to Knott's scary farm, A place of thrills and terror. Way too long of a story. I will say however, clowns with chainsaws, bloody, haunted houses, Tamara's tears, roller-coasters and much, much more. Sarah Brown met us there and after grabbing some Ihop (which is another blog entirely) we crashed on her floor in San Juan Capistrano, where she gave us lots of blankets which made for a great night of sleep. In-fact the longest of my college life so far.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Sleep is rare

 So this last week was very ...different. Some of the more mild things involved, me falling out of a palm tree, taking my regular classes, going to the beach for a morning extravaganza, lot's of thought, discussing salvation with mormons, and for the weekend I served six hundred ladies all their meals. It's great. I've got to listen to some Chuck Sermons and read H.A. Ironsides commentary on mark. Before all this I think I would like to listen to the latest from Levi Lusko on the book of revelation, but it's only if it's already online.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Gnomes of paradise

Chris and I were sitting next to one of the hot springs today when He noticed a garden gnome across the way enjoying the steam. With excitement we made our way over to him.  

Upon his head was a phylactery, not with the hebrew law, but a note that read "Check my boots".  Hoping to find a treasure map, we quickly searched his boots (not a common practice for us) for anything that would lead to gold. We did find a letter, but not a map.  It gave explanation and instruction. Apparently, this was a twisted  game of hide and seek.  We were told that many had played and the responsibility was now ours to hide him.So we stuffed the letter back in his boot and put him somewhere on campus. For anyone that is on campus I wish you the best of luck. For anyone back home, don't be discouraged cause you can't play, because you can play. I encourage you to start your own game with some rare object. It may sound ridiculous, but I assure you, whoever finds that object will have a smile brought to their face and should be happy to participate and be a part of putting more smiles on more faces. 

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Weekend getaway

As ritual goes, every other weekend we head out of town. Yesterday, we went to yucca valley to visit my grandparents. After a couple of games of rummikub, we decided to have a bible study. Which is another thing that we have made a habit of, the guys that feel led to worship (Josh, Chris, and Devan) lead worship, and those of us who feel led to be teachers one day (Myself, Jesse and Devan) give a sermon/sermonette. Well this week was my turn.   Since Josh needed a red bull, we decided to just have it behind the building. This was great! Devan Played a couple of songs and an old lady came and told us we had to go to the far side of the parking lot where we were more visible. This was distraction number one, after we went to the farside, Josh played a few songs of worship, when the same lady told us to move closer to the building. distraction number two. With all this we were still able to praise God for who He is. Soon after the second move, Chris began leading worship, which much surprise their were no interruptions. A short while after I we opened the word and shortly after I began to teach, A lady came up and used the payphone that Chris was sitting right next to. Distraction number three wasn't too distracting. I just pivoted my feet while Chris and Josh smoothly relocated.  I continued speaking when an older native american man parked his diesel truck a couple spots over and started filling his tires. Not too bad, just enough to make us laugh and realize that with four major distractions, gas stations might not be the best place to hold Bible studies. However, we were able to talk to the gas station attendant about the gospel of grace opposed to a legalistic religion. I really loved the whole night. Wherever God will be praised,  there God will be pleased. 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Tuesday is good.

Today has been great, I've written about 85% of a paper that I'm writing for my mark class. It's on blind bartimaeous. Usually, while working on exegetical papers like this one, I listen to some worship by phil wickham, jon foreman, or some other great worship artists. However, today I decided to change it up a little and that's just what I did. I changed it up with some teachings by Denver Miller, Aaron Moreno, and Skip Heitzig. Right now Devan and I are taking a break to listen to the first sermon  of Levi Lusko's new series through revelation.  Something we are both excited about staying faithful to and learning from. God is good and I'm glad he uses those who love Him and stay faithful to the text of truth. 

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Weekend mayhem and San Diego

After waking up on a beach in Carlsbad CA, (Right outside of San Diego) We went to a donut shop. Where we ordered a dozen donuts from a nice asian man that made a comment after every donut we chose. Things like, "Apple Fwitter, wow you know your donuts."  and "ok, yeah dat's a good choice." are just a little taste of some of the things He would say to us. I think We were all a little wiped out saturday morning. This probably caused from our adventures aroudn the city of SD the night before. The Whole adventure started Around 5 pm on friday (after I had talked to mormons and ate dinner), when we piled (quite literally) into Chris' ford focus for an adventure to be remember. Well, I am pretty sure we will remember this. 
          Entering San Diego, we got a little lost in some of the neighbor-hoods, if you know what I mean. Well, once we found a place to park, Josh Started climbing and kicking off walls, Jesse, swung around a pole very showing his athleticism. Devan and I grabbed our camera's and began to walk about taking Pictures. Chris was just happy to be in a city where he could look good. 
       After walking around a bit, snapping pictures, window shopping, and trying ever free sample seen (Jesse) we were able to talk to some people about the gospel, it was great.  We talked to a lady that asked for some money, mainly we were able to pray with her and share the gospel in that manner. After walking a bit more, we heard some exciting music across the street. Raising our heads, we saw a parade of about 20 hare krishna dancing and chanting down and around the sidewalks. Obviously, Jesse ran across and started dancing with them. Throwing his hands about in the air. Josh  grabbed the opportunity at hand and began asking questions to the one of the ones passing our bulletins. This resulted in a good lengthed discussion of truth and more importantly the way of truth. After conversing we noticed a Girhadelee chocalate store and decided they would have nice, clean restrooms. It had a dining room which we sat in for a while as some of the brethren stood in line at the restroom. Well, as I walked out of the restroom. I saw something that brought certain joy to my face, a banana split!  I guess one of the waiter gave it to our group  for free when I was gone. He came over once more, brought me a spoon and said "I figured your group was the most deserving." we praised God for that. 
         We eventually found a beach, after washing the car with window wipers that are found at gas stations. Josh slept in the car and that's where we meet back up with the second picture. The first picture displays me in La Jolla (another district/sub-city ) on a cove. We all had great quiet times overlooking the crashing waves, declaring the Lords strength. It was really fantastic. We finally visited the sight where many high-school students got baptized this last elevate (summer camp) trip. Long story condensed, we slept in grass next to a beach, ate more donuts (left over), met Devan's (ate lunch), talked politics and came back to campus. Ate worked out, hot spring-ed it up, ping-pong, and much more. Well thank you for listening to my life. God Bless.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Devan and I

Have many similarities. One being our mighty mouses. The only difference is, I didn't steal mine.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Hanging in the Library

Wow, today is good. I wrote a paper on Self-Deification. and Just about relaxed the rest of the day. It only took about 4 maybe 5 hours. Sorry I haven't been writing in a while. You havent been missing too much. We went to Hollywood a couple weekends ago. That was fun. We walked on the walk of fame (golden stars). Then we slept in a hotel room with Gina and Her dad. That means 7 of us in one room, two beds. Five in one two in the other, throughout the night it became less and less in the one that started with 5. I ended up on the ground, but not for too long. As soon as Dan (Gina's Dad) hopped out of Bed I hopped in (Gina was out by this time too).  
On the weekdays after that weekend, I pretty much just read, slept, ping-ponged it up, ate and read more. With an occasional trip to the gas station for snacks. This last weekend I served at my m199, I'm a server at the retreat restaurant here on campus. 
These last two days have been filled with Homework, reading, and writing. So all in all, I have been pretty busy. However, I do plan on blogging more frequently now. My apologies for the slack. Oh, and when I study in my room sometimes it becomes a putting session with Cory and Ryan, two good guys you can trust. Well I had three More pictures I was uploading but, none of them are uploading. 

Friday, September 19, 2008

Ahead of the Curve

Well last tuesday, I went to circuit city with my good friend Anthony, because He was going to exchange his ipod 120GB classic for some lagging issues. While looking at all that apple has done and given to society. I entered into a mental discourse with myself "A new nano would be Nice." "Come on mat, you don't need that crap" "DON'T CALL IT CRAP" "ok, I'll get one." So I did and I am very pleased. I've been able to use it for lots of work and lots of fun. A good investment. The cover-flow application makes searching my music much easier and a little scary. The end is near. So here it is a beautiful hand holding a Beautiful thing. One day we can all walk around with these not being held by our hands, but implanted in our hands. 

Monday, September 8, 2008

Study Syndrome

I have been reading so much lately. Which is good, because I love to read,  but it still is a-lot. Right now I am sitting in the Library, taking a break, from studying for IBS (inductive bible study). The Recommended amount of credits for a First semester student is 19, well Jesse, Devan, and I all decided (not together) to go above and beyond. We signed up for as many classes as they would allow, which is 22 credits. 22 doesn't sound like that many more credits (actually it sounds like 3 more), but those 3 credits represent a-lot of work. The Five of us are in Acts together, while Jesse and Devan are taking Mark with Me, the only class that I don't have anyone from ABQ in with me is Leviticus.   Now this class seems to be where it's at. I mean I have the opportunity to disect a cat. Woah! Along with cutting open creatures is writing papers on various books, including one of my favorites "Absolute Surrender" by Andrew Murray. I don't think signing up for that one was a mistake. I bought a ping-pong paddle about a week ago and I realized today that that perhaps it wasn't the best investment, less table tennis more studying. Well, we are having a great time and are learning a-lot already. I'm very grateful for this opportunity and appreciate any prayers. This is my fourth time through the same "Ludwig Van Beethoven " album in this study sesh. So needless to say, I will be sleeping well and composed tonight. 

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Class Class Class

Class this morning was great, this is a picture of some of us in Inductive Bible Study during break. Right now the 5 from the 505 are all in the book of Acts, being taught by Greg Opean. Well Class is starting again. more later.

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Sting like a bee

Busy, busy, busy. This weekend has been one of the busiest in my life. After class friday morning I was given some time to just chill before my first shift as a server here at the Conference center, little did I know that was going to be my last time "Just Chillin' " all weekend. Being a server is said to be the most stressful job on campus, I can assure you that though that might not be true, the serving department does come with certain Stress. This includes waking up early to serve Happy "retreaters" (guests visiting the conference center) their breakfast, and continues for the rest of the meals all weekend. We are given an average of two hours between each meal as a break, however this time was always spent in studying and schoolwork for me. Quitting time came around at 3 o'clock monday afternoon, ...finally. The great thing about this as a duty is that we are only on every other weekend (due to the excess of hours put in). I will enjoy this. 

Well, as way of celebration I went to the beach with friends Jesse, Chris, Devan, Kayla and Megan. Needless to say, after taking some pictures and laying in the sun and sand, I  was refreshed.   Right now, I am enjoying attempting to study and writing this blog instead, all inside the coffee-shop here on campus referred to as "the overflowing cup". I am also stealing sips from my new friend CHLOE! Who is a fellow server. Well, I hope you enjoy looking at some pictures and reading a little about my recent past. 

Sunday, August 24, 2008

Eating in

After little discussion and much agreement, Chris and I decided to go down to the lobby and eat ramen instead of burgers, almonds and cashews instead of candy and fries, and juice instead of soda or energy drinks. We are eating all this while watching Tv and surfing the web. It's a great time in a comfortable hotel in the city we are going to live for the next five months. I'm excited and a little nervous about school, anyway You'll hear from me later.

Saturday, August 23, 2008

Road to Costa

We are in Costa Mesa! The drive was a little stressful, we were getting a little lost and there was  a little discourse, but now that we are again at Jack in the Box eating ultimate Cheeseburgers we are doing great, on top of the world (or at-least sea level). Just a little side note, if you haven't ever heard George Lopez's stand up about Jack in the box you probably should, he's spot on. Sorry I don't have any pictures up in this blog, you can check some out at my myspace. Well until soon.  -Mat 

Friday, August 22, 2008

Yuck-a Valley Day 2!

We started out the day with Carrows for breakfast with G-Pa, it was enjoyable. I had eggs! Next was a stop at the infamous "Desert Christ Park " where Chris sat on Peter's lap and joined the last supper (See Above). We then found out about CCJS (Calvary Chapel Joshua Springs) which  has pre-k - 12th Grade along with a Bible College. It was good to check out the campus and talk to some of the attendants, mostly teachers and all over 40. Nonetheless, fantastic. After all this, we sat down, and watched tv until now. We are again at Jack-in-the-box, refer to last blog for picture: same table, same clothes, different time. Tonight we have game night with my Grandpa, my Great uncle and 7 others of their age, nonetheless, fantastic! Well, Until tomorrow from Costa Mesa. We Love You all. 

P.S.  The bottom picture is of my dad and is one of many in the room we are sleeping in. Feel to use it for whatever, I'd like to see it around the web.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Eatin' In-n-out

After a couple hours in Phoenix's heat and shopping malls we saw a sign that made me urtle with joy. IN-N-OUT!!  Oh boy, It  feels as though I am getting my first snowboarding run of the season in down the steep, powdery hills of Durango. The First of many.  

Chris had the nerve

Well, we aren't quite outside the Abq yet, meaning we are already fifty minuteds behind schedule. I have a feeling this might say something about our next year in college. Anyway chris just looked over at me and said with surprise "oh, I just got nervous" which is also something Jesse had exclamed about an hour ago. More updates to come.

Monday, August 18, 2008

A drop-out and a hooch...

Today, Gina and I went to hope christian school for a day before birthday lunch with Heidi. Heidi pointed out that out that Gina was wearing a "bare shoulders" shirt and informed us that the teachers here are probably judging her for it. It all comes down to three letters for me GED. Because of our faults we were told by the principle to eat lunch in either the office or the the bench outside of it (He didn't want me influencing these good kids). We chose the bench.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Superior intelligence

Heidi brought up a scary point. As we were at Ihop with about fifty vertical students, she told me that she now has a better high school education than me. I'm a fool.

Again at village inn

Chris, Kelly, Jesse, and the blog frog.

Friday, August 15, 2008

Jesse and Kelly with Blake

The guys and I were innocently hanging out in front of village inn, when Blake rolled up for a little intimidation dinner. Seriously huge!

Lunch with Dad.

Good food, good health, good conversation, good times.

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

My plane lands here.

Well tonight is the last night I will be leading the flight crew. It's good. I will have to begin my weekly flight throug the bible via technology.

I didn't graduate high school

And because of that. Instead of being at my second day of senior year I am at a rock climbing gym with this guy.

Who happens to be clayton.

Pages and Chapters.

Yesterday I made a purchase of 44 books to build my library and my mind. I'm very excited but also feel very nerdy. Three years ago I wouldn't pick up a book to save your life (maybe mine). I'm guess some things change and some stay the same cause I now won't put down a book to save your life. Still selfish, but a reader.

Monday, August 11, 2008

A Peculiar sight.

I was walking the campus today and as I turned the corner of the skate park I noticed a tractor tearing up the church grounds, I just had to wonder if this was a form of persecution or just a water leak. I've yet to find out.

To be a witness.

When I first had Kelli take this picture I had a clever blog brewing in my head explaining why exactly I was in Walmart after midnight in cut-off pajama pants. Then something great happened. As I was walking about the toiletry aisles we began small talk with a middle aged female employee. Thinking I was over twenty-one, she began talking about me drinking and why I would enjoy it. Somehow we got on the topic of christianity and discussed Kelli going to Africa and me going to bible college. After the conversation she thanked us for sharing and even said God must have sent us to her, because she needed to hear what we had to say. The point I bring is this. We have all been called to be witnesses. This doesn't refer to preaching (although I believe that to be very important), it simply means that we live in such a way that our every day lives are noticed. Jesse said something the other day that stuck with me. It is this. If we are always about spiritual matters than it will not be uncommon to encounter spiritual situations. Live your life in such a way that you cannot help but to shine that light of Salvation. That healing grace of Christ.

Saturday, August 9, 2008

Oh, sleeper.

After talking with Chip I realized we (the church) have been doing alot of evangelism events lately. Filling the skate park with a good christian band and presenting the gospel being the latest of such events. The event brought a good crowd, including this curious on looker squatting on the sound equipment to catch the show. To God be the glory.

Heidi is me. I am Heidi.

Friday, August 8, 2008

Congratulations Nate and Amber Hoffman.

For Kelli and I this is number two this week. Sitting next to Anthony , my sister and the soon to be Mr and Mrs Nathan Heitzig. What beautiful company to be in!