Monday, August 31, 2009

Greater things are still to be done.

Yesterday we held a Bible Study (like every Sunday) downtown at the El Rey Theater. What you see in the above picture is 16 motorcycles parked right out front. The Lord is doing a work in the ABQ Metro area. It's a little different from your average "church crowd" but having faith and being filled with the Spirit they are the church. Excited to see what else is coming out way.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Family time.

This is my Uncle Neal. He writes books, does an awesome work for the Lord in China, and has a great beard. Maybe one day I will be like him.

Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Oodles of Noodles

432 packs of Ramen noodles, just waiting in the back of my jeep to be eaten by the starving college students at UNM... unless Jesse gets to them first with his troubling looks.

Judith... sick?

On the Ground (in the picture below) you can see all four wheels and some drum brakes, however, Judith is not on the ground where she belongs. As the mechanic delivered the diagnosis to me, he said very seriously "you take this car home and park it until you can get it fixed. It's just too dangerous to have on the road." In a little louder voice he concluded "I'm not trying to be a salesman, this is reality!"

As I was leaving the shop, a different employee who had just placed the old brakes, and wheels back on, and driven the car out of the garage. Handed me the key and with a serious tone (after seeming to venerate Mary) said to me "good luck."

Needless to say, after hearing such words come from the mouths of these men, I was somewhat frightened to drive Judith around town.

Since, I have gone on long enough, I will let you all know that, I replaced the front brakes with the help of a friend and at a fr action of the cost.

Moral of the story: In such a fast pace world, it's important to have good brakes and cheaper to have smart friends.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Mat Pirolo: Repeating History

2007. Longer hair, weird stance, Mattresses for Josh

2009. Shorter Hair, still a weird stance, Mattresses for Josh and Tamara.
I would also like to note that I am wearing the same belt.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Today my first design was printed.
Nothing too detailed or extreme, but I'm happy with it.