Saturday, November 29, 2008

At the waves break.

I had so many more to put up, but for some reason this is the only one that would upload.

Seventeen, Eighteen and a Wedding in Phoenix

We went to Anthony's wedding today. It was a success. Right now, we are blogging while laying on his bed at his parents house, whom we haven't seen around yet. I appreciate him, so does Chris, that's why we didn't sleep much last night. 2 1/2 hours. Then a 6 1/2 hour drive. I think we were 82 miles outside flagstaff in the above picture. 

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We've been making short zombie films, So far only two. This is a shot from the one Josh directed. Hopefully you'll be able to see them in theatres soon, 

Montana meets Murrieta

in-n-out with Bow wow, Levi, and Coy. great times

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Rainbows return

I'm sitting in the Library with Chris and Anthony. We are listening to Chuck tracks, they're wearing shoes , but I'm wearing my flip flops. I absolutely couldn't stand wearing shoes in class yesterday. I actually tied and untied my shoes at least three times trying to allow for some breathing room for my confined toes. As of today I'm returning to my ways. I have leviticus and mark today, in both classes I will have the distraction of discomfort cast far from me.  

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

CHANGE! From footwear to Freedom

Today is the first day that I have not worn my rainbows (flip flops) since the middle of June when I got them. It's definitely a little disappointing,  but maybe, like our new president says, it's time for change. Well, that is a whole different topic entirely. Eh, I might as well talk a little about it now.  I have been meeting with some mormons weekly for about 7 weeks now and I can definitely see God's work in and on their hearts. Pray for that. Anyway, God is always in control. We as Christians have been given a commandment and that is to minister the Love of Christ, our saviour, to all men. No matter the leader of our country, no matter the depravity of man, no matter the persecution we face, and no matter the circumstances that we are placed in, God still desires that His love be ministered to all.  It's important for us to remember that the office chair in  the oval office is not the throne that Isaiah saw in Isaiah 6:1, He saw Christ! That is our hope. When Political leaders are built up and when they are taken out, The Lord is on the throne! 

Isaiah 26:3,4 
        You will keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in You.           Trust in the LORD forever, for in YAH, the LORD, is everlasting strength. 

Let's stay our minds on Christ, and We will have peace. 
Let's be in prayer and continue to do that which we have been doing, meeting with the lost, living a witness, and ministering the love of Christ to all. 

Monday, November 3, 2008

Its never a bad time to look good.

Instead of paying to watch Batman again, Devan and I decided to do just that ...look good. I either need a tie or a couple less buttons.


A california clothing line, from asian Anthony's closet. 

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Nightmares and terror sauce

As we all know, yesterday was Halloween. It weirdest days of my life, but it was close to one of the funnest nights. It started out with Breakfast, and Holy Spirit class, both of these were fantastic. However, after class Chris and Josh went away to Irvine, about an hour away, they were on a mission. Going to pick up Tamara and Alysia who were at Alysia's cousins house. This left the day to Devan and I. We ate lunch and headed over to play "just a couple" games of ping pong, we figured Chris and Josh wouldn't be much longer than two hours. One hour there another hour back. So we pinged and we ponged. We read Joel a couple times, pinged and ponged, and realized they were not coming back anytime soon. So we went to dinner. After dinner, we played ping pong, which is such a fun sport, but playing it all day long causes for a miserable day.
Let's take a couple steps back. Right before dinner we were in the cafeteria restroom, where we were making the weirdest of faces in the mirror and laughing for quite some time. Then to our surprise an intern teacher walked in, the second I heard the door, I turned my head and tried to look like nothing at all was going on. As soon as He saw us however, he gave me a "Hey guys. How you doin'?" Very awkward so we left and ate Dinner.
Meanwhile, back at the misery of too many wins (12 to exact) of this table tennis game, we headed off the campus, across the street, and in to goodwill. We walked around for a bit, but the end result was the two of us sitting on lawn chairs in front of "Grubby Pups" a dog grooming business. Well, Josh decided to give me a call informing me they would be here soon. After some mingling and some introduction. We headed off to Knott's scary farm, A place of thrills and terror. Way too long of a story. I will say however, clowns with chainsaws, bloody, haunted houses, Tamara's tears, roller-coasters and much, much more. Sarah Brown met us there and after grabbing some Ihop (which is another blog entirely) we crashed on her floor in San Juan Capistrano, where she gave us lots of blankets which made for a great night of sleep. In-fact the longest of my college life so far.