Thursday, July 31, 2008

My mother has spoken!

And she says its a fever I have. This is her prescription. Water, ibuprofen, eggs, crackers, a plumb, and a movie with her (notting hill). So I guess I'm on the road to recovery according to a mothers instincts.

Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Remembering our king

We're having communion tonight at Calvary. This is one way we celebrate Jesus as Lord, crucified and Risen. Jesus tells us to partake of his blood and body and to do so in remembrance of him. Dave Row delivered a killer Sermon, that needed to be heard by everyone that I talked to. I encourage you to listen at

The orange barrell...

Sitting in traffic. Wanting lunch. Oh, new mexico

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Ants and their plantations

Catching ants for my buddy (Aaron's) ant farm, so dangerous, so fun! It was great. I never really had an ant farm as my own, as a child. Aaron shook all the sand around after one ant had made it about an inch down a tunnel. This caused a cave in of the tunnel and upon the creature. Althoug it was sad to see the little guy struggle, I did enjoy it and even considered getting an ant farm all for myself. Maybe I'll just put some sand in a jar and wrap it in some foil.

Monday, July 28, 2008

Self Solicitation as a solution for Sales!

Work is great every day. Some days better than others. Due to a water leak the Calf-skin bibles case was emptied. Ces figured that the best solution would be to stick one of his employees (me) in the case as a display, with a result of upping the sales. It worked.

The heavens declare.

God is great! If only it were easier to escape our everyday vanities and seek Him and see Him. I love to go out at night to do this with my friends, to praise the Lord with song and tongue. Especially while being able to see the heavens that declare his glory. Being in the city, however, causes strain on the eyes when looking to these voices in the sky we call stars. God has made these galaxies that are Huge! Why then are our eyes are blinded by the false lights (man has created) of the city. Don't get me wrong, I love that Edison utilized the mind given him, but because of an obsession with ourselves the light bulb has been made an idol. We have filled our vision with these objects (usually no larger than a loaf of bread). Why? I submit that it is because we have placed them so close to us. So consider this next time you feel that God is far from you, or if you feel as though He is not revealing himself as promised. Consider that it is not God being far, but rather you being so blinded of his goodness by those "false idols" built up that you have blinded your eyes from the Glory of God being declared.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

New Car

Briana got a new car today, its an Elantra and she feels great about finally being behind the wheel of her own car again. It's been a while since the 'Mom, I hit a car!' incident and she is now ready to start a new driving life. She has also vowed to be safer when singing along to her favorite country songs. ... As soon as I read the above statement to her she almost hit a car again. Ha ha.

Sleeping in...

I decided to come into work late today and the result was a scolding from my co-worker Ariel. Although, I did enjoy a refreshing and energizing ginger ale. That was nice. Looking forward to a beautiful sunday morning. If you need or want a book just swing by and pay me a sabbatical visit. Just don't walk to far without stopping for a picnic.

Friday, July 25, 2008

Calvary and Me...

So the other day, a delivery of twenty to a box bibles came into the store. Being the creative guy that I am I decided to organize them in the way of the holy pineapple claimed by calvary of albuqueque, this is how it turned out. I was pleased. ... A couple minutes later I just made it into a stack of bibles for the fear of the angry criticism of my peers.